The Juggle

Happy Easter! I have eaten my body weight in chocolate eggs so I can definitely tell it’s easter. The school holidays always make me feel conflicted over spending quality time with the kids and attempting to do some design work. Cherishing the moments and making memories always wins – that insta favourite phrase that you only get 18 summers with your kids sticks in my head. Obviously I am so lucky to be able to make that choice and am really grateful for that. I am always in awe of the working parents who juggle it all, spending dedicated time with their kids and being fully present. 

The kids and I had a very windy beach trip to West Wittering with friends which, despite being a bit wet, was so much fun. I also attempted a series of vase paintings – here is one of them.

Hope you are having a great week whether you are doing the juggle or not!

With love,


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