Life Lessons

It has been a busy week so only one new artwork to show you all. Hope you have had a good week and have something fun planned for the weekend. It definitely feels like spring is here and I am all in for that!

As a parent I get very reflective at family birthday times especially in March when we celebrate both my daughter’s birthdays. They were actually nearly birthday twins – I went into labour on my eldest daughter’s 2nd birthday and the midwives were convinced I would have my second daughter fairly soon after arriving at hospital late afternoon. I think the universe knew just how pissed off they would both be about having to share their special day with a sibling and stepped in to rectify the situation, making me labour all night for her to be born in the morning. A couple of minutes past midnight would have been fine for me!

Every year I find myself marvelling at the unique individuals they are becoming, in awe of just how much they have grown and matured. The years seem to be literally flying by! As if overnight they have both blossomed into resilient, determined young women brimming with potential. 

Last year, as my eldest turned thirteen and because she was embarking on official adolescence, I took the opportunity to write her a letter—a letter filled with advice, lessons learned, and rules for life. In the spirit of reflection and celebration, I’ve reviewed that letter and compiled a list of my 25 rules for life—a collection of principles that I strive to live by and that I hope my daughters will carry with them as they navigate the world. Although I’m fairly sure I didn’t listen to much my mum said when I was a teenager so these lessons are mainly for me if I’m honest!

  1. Life is shorter than you realise, grab it with both hands. It doesn’t come tied up with a bow and can be hard and unpredictable but it is still a gift. Enjoy it.
  2. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something or be someone – you can be anything you want to be and can achieve anything you put your mind to. Don’t take no for an answer.
  3. Try to do something every day that makes you feel uncomfortable or out of your depth – this is how you will grow and learn.  Step out of your comfort zone. Be courageous.
  4. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, you are enough, and don’t worry about what anyone thinks of you. Most people are too busy worrying about themselves to think too much about what you are up to. Don’t fall into the trap of comparison, competition and perfectionism. Fear and self doubt are the greatest enemies to your potential. 
  5. Don’t be afraid of failure – embrace failing often – that is how you will learn. The only real mistakes are the ones you don’t learn from.
  6. Work hard and ask for help when you need it. 
  7. Be curious about the world and question how things work. Don’t ever stop learning.
  8. Stand up for what you believe in and always speak up! Stand up for those less fortunate than you.  We should all look after each other – kindness can never be underestimated. Be compassionate and don’t judge others – we are all just trying our best. 
  9. Focus on what makes you grateful for life every single day – the tiny moments – the sunshine on your face, the sound of the waves, the scent of a flower, a smile.  Life will not always be easy but it is even more important in the hard times to focus on what you are grateful for. Seek out beauty and joy in everyday life. Write it down every evening in a journal if it helps you focus on it. 
  10. Make a plan for the next year, it doesn’t matter when you do it – birthdays, easter, new year – just make sure you set yourself some goals.  The secret of getting what you want from life is to know what you want and believe you can have it. Don’t forget to review your past goals too and see how far you have come. You are amazing.
  11. Look after your health and eat your 7 fruit and veg a day and ideally 30 different ones every week.  You only get one body so make sure you treat it with respect.  
  12. Get outside everyday. Find a way to move your body that you enjoy and do it regularly – netball, running, dancing, swimming, yoga…the list is endless. Or if there hasn’t been time just turn up the music in your kitchen and dance while you cook your dinner! Learn to love your body. 
  13. Prioritise sleep – it is the best way to heal yourself and keep your body and mind strong. 
  14. Regularly ask yourself – “What would I do differently if I was going to start all over again today?”
  15. Be proud of who you are and forgive yourself when you make mistakes. 
  16. Be generous with your time, talents, and resources. Give to charity – set it up as a direct debit, don’t leave it to the end of the month. Make it a priority. 
  17. Things are never as bad as they seem. Ask yourself “In five years time, will this really matter?” Time heals everything, just give yourself time. Take a deep breath, get up, dress up, show up and never give up.
  18. When in doubt, just take the next small step. Do one thing a day to move towards your goals. Where your attention goes, energy flows.
  19. Burn the expensive candles, eat off the posh plates, use the nice sheets. Don’t save it for a special occasion – today is special.
  20. It’s never too late to be happy.  No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
  21. Stay true to your word and commitments and take responsibility for your actions and choices.
  22. Have empathy, build connections and be vulnerable. Learn how to listen properly and trust your instincts. This includes relationships with your siblings please!
  23. Be mindful of your impact on the environment.
  24. Laugh until you cry, regularly. Have as much fun as possible and say yes to all the opportunities!
  25. Surround yourself with people who light you up and give you energy. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved and were loved. Never underestimate the power of love. 

So, here’s to you, my darling daughters, on your birthday. May your journeys ahead be filled with joy, success, and fulfillment. And may you always remember that no matter where life takes you, you will forever be loved and cherished. You make me proud every single day.

With love,


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